
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Hydra: Greek Monster and Mythical Creature


Description: A serpent/dragon with multiple heads (generally 7 or 9 heads)
Features: If cut off, the heads would grow back. The Hydra lived in the Lernean marshes, near Argolis (the region around, Argos in Greece.)
Might actually be: An exagered story about an octopus or giant squid. Octopus have 8 arms, which will grow back if you cut off. Squid have 10 arms, 2 of which are longer and have flat ends with suckers on them.
Described by:
Greek Mythology - The Hydra had 9 heads, and the middle one was immortal. Hercules fought the Hydra with his club, but each time he knocked off a head, two more would grow back. Finally, he used a torch to burn off the new heads, and buried the immortal one under a rock. Arrows dipped in the Hydra's blood were poisonous. Hercules accidentally shot Chiron with one later on.