
Wednesday, 1 June 2011


 I did carving on tablets and after put ink colored and a finished with gold spray, take out excess of spray with same old fabric.

 Though the study of Greek mythology, we learn to make pottery and carving. We use a cement stone as a template, and skirted with clay, took the stone, then we have the mold. We used dentist plaster, mixed with warm water, we made a necessary quantity of dough to the size of the mold, a plastic bowl and swirl cream until throughly homogeneous, fill the mold halfway, put a wire mesh, previously cut according to size mold, then put the remaining dough on top, and then dry quickly took the shape of the ceramic mold. Let dry for a week and have a white tablet. Before you begin carving leave this board for about 1 minute inside a container with water and draw something referring what we choose to study in Greek mythology.

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